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Crane Service Manual & Troubleshooting Guides • • • • • • • PRS 80 • • • • • • • • • • Sample Crane Service Manual Section Troubleshooting Moisture – Maestro Crane Service manual The maestro contains electronic components in various locations, such as central unit, sensors, junction boxes etc. These internal components cannot be designed to withstand exposure to moisture over a longer period of time. For this reason, the housings of the components are water protected according to IP 65. If you find water or moisture inside any of the housings, the source for the water ingress has to be detected and corrected to ensure proper operation. There are two major possibilities for the occurrence of excessive moisture inside an enclosure: 1) Water ingress 2) Condensation This outline gives instructions for detecting the cause for excessive moisture by using simple troubleshooting methods and how to prevent the moisture ingress from happening again. 6.1 Water Ingress There are 6 possibilities for water to enter an enclosure: 1) Spray Cleaning 2) Missing / Loose Screws 3) Bent Lid 4) Defective Gasket 5) Loose Strain Relieves 6) Water Entry Through External Cabling It is possible to find out the source of water ingress by going through the following steps and ruling out one possibility after the other until the cause is identified: 1) Spray Cleaning The enclosures used for the maestro system are water protected to IP 65. This means protection against the environment, such as rain.