Meritor Astronic Transmission Service Manual download
Posted By admin On 15/07/18Maintenance and Diagnostics Manual MM-0150. Aftermarket at 888-725-9355 to order Meritor tools. Before You Make a Warranty Repair on a ZF-FreedomLine Transmission. Access Repair Tool 2 1, Startup Repair for Windows, BKF Meritor Astronic Transmission Service Manual - Meritor Astronic Transmission Service Manual Meritor.
While not intimately familiar with ZF-Meritor 12 speed auto, I did become rather familiar with the ZF-Meritor 10 speed auto that some MCI J4500 tour buses had. I deadheaded, along with a couple of other drivers, one of those buses from Phoenix to San Antonio.

All in all, they're pretty good transmission, but, if you're like me, and have never driven a 10+ speed manual, it takes some getting used to the way it shifts (computer controlled double clutching). These buses had a powerful CAT engine coupled with the transmission and they proved to be a very efficient combination as we only half of our 220 gallons of fuel to make it from Phoenix to San Antonio, albeit we were not under load.
Also you have to be careful when going from stop to start at a traffic light or something similar. Three (3) seconds after you let go of the brake pedal, the brakes will release and the transmission will be in neutral and you will roll with whatever incline you are on.
When we were being trained on this particular transmission, we had to pull up on an incline in the yard, and let go of the brake pedal and wait for the brakes to release to see what that felt like. 2016 F150 Ford Truck Repair Manual download free here. That was kind of strange. The freelancer asked his opening question last November.
So this will not likely help him much. Mahindra 5010 Cab Owners Manual download free. Still, though, others may feel some curiosity about automated transmissions.
May I please suggest two alternatives? Marda and I specified Eaton-Fuller AutoShift transmissions in our two Volvo tractors. download 2011 Kia Sorento Navigation System Manual. We immediately fell in love with them. I'm a long-time manual shifter. I greatly enjoyed doing it that way. My father, a veteran Greyhound driver, taught me how to float shift -- not only how to do it, but also why and how it works -- when I was 8 years old -- and how to do it very gently. Eventually, though, I became ready to allow a pair of computers to do my shifting for me.