Savage Model 99c Series A Owners Manual download
Posted By admin On 15/08/18
I just purchased the above rifle. My new hunting partner (recently moved to a new province) whom I hunted with this Nov for the first time is an avid Savage fan (he has no less than 3 -.300's) and he let me use his.300. I loved it and therefore went looking for my own. I had to purchase the rifle sight unseen and I'd like to take it apart and give it a thorough cleaning and inspection since that wasn't done by the seller.
I am loathe to do so without a manual or guide and can't find one anywhere. Would anybody here have a manual/guide for dissassembling this rifle, or know where I could find one? Not sure about any manual or guide for taking it apart, but here is a link to a break down picture showing both the rotary mag and the clip. The rotary mags are really quite easy to take apart, just have to be real careful removing the butt stock, no side to side wiggling. Aleks Business Stats Solutions Manual download here.
I know of a couple of guys who have cracked their stocks removing them! Go slow, if you have specific questions you can PM me or another canuck on this site Mad_Dog. Welcome to the sight! Bio Sculpture Gel System Training Manual download. One 99 will be lonely in your cabinet, you will end up with more!